Vote for your favorite drummer (at the bottom of the blog). Leave a comment as to why you picked who you did and suggest who should be on the next poll.
it simply has to be keith moon. he checks all the boxes....nutcase ? yep. drug-addled lunatic ? i think so. madly talented ? correct.
those of you who want to argue in favour of john bonham, answer this simple question: did bonzo ever dress up in full nazi regalia and goose-step past his next door neighbour steve mcqueen's house ?
Well...Phil Collins gets extra points for making the move to lead singer, as well as Genesis drummer extrordinaire. How about a category for drummers who were kicked out, but earned their spot back after rehab? (Topper Headon, any one?)
it simply has to be keith moon. he checks all the boxes....nutcase ? yep. drug-addled lunatic ? i think so. madly talented ? correct.
those of you who want to argue in favour of john bonham, answer this simple question: did bonzo ever dress up in full nazi regalia and goose-step past his next door neighbour steve mcqueen's house ?
i rest my case.
moonie(we were closer than brothers)is going to be on a later poll but, you can't argue with owens points.
isn't someone going to vote for rikki rocket?
Well...Phil Collins gets extra points for making the move to lead singer, as well as Genesis drummer extrordinaire.
How about a category for drummers who were kicked out, but earned their spot back after rehab? (Topper Headon, any one?)
excellent idea, we can have a pre and post rehab pole.
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