A Blog For Drummers And Civilians Who Bang Them

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Luckiest Drummer List

This could be dangerous territory, but Owen and I started a luckiest drummer list and it's time to go public with it. I'll start it off with someone whom I'm sure is a very cool guy. I'm sure he's funny, down to earth, personable, etc. but Nick Mason has a net worth of $70 million dollars!!!!!! Drumming for Pink Floyd!!!!! I rest my case. Feel free to join in.....


Unknown said...

Nick Mason, good choice. I'd like to ad Roger Taylor from Queen.

Unknown said...

I have some theories on this topic as well. Something this important demands attention. However, I'd like to make a suggestion first. I propose that we nominate an annual winner for the luckiest drummer and the award should be called "The Fleetwood", for obvious reasons.

For those in the Shap blogosphere world, what do you think ? 'This year the Fleetwood goes to....'

Unknown said...

You could make a case for this years Fleetwood going to Larry Mullen from U2. I'm going to get some crap for saying that.

Anonymous said...

uh, wouldn't the obvious choice for the first annual fleetwood go to mick fleetwood? or does he get an honorary one in like 10 years?

Unknown said...

on the 30th of november, 1954, a woman called ann hodges was taking a nap on her couch when a meteor crashed through her house and hit her. she survived. ponder this for a moment.

i think ann hodges is the luckiest person in the universe. i also think there's a strong argument to be made that larry mullen is the second.

however, i think he can't win in the drumming category for one reason: as far as i know he's never claimed to be great.

i think this award should go not only to the drummer who was in the right place in the right time by pure chance but also someone who thinks he's god's gift to drummers and doesn't understand he's not really very good at all.

larry mullen is an excellent choice but i believe there's one man who rises above based purely on his own cluelessness.

for this year's fleetwood, i nominate don henley.

Anonymous said...

don henley, good one

Anonymous said...

Joey Kramer?????